I’m so lucky to have so many amazing, artistic people in my life. My best friend Miranda and her fiancé, Sean, have been together for close to ten years. During this time, I’ve observed Sean’s art become bigger (literally!) and better, more eye catching and unique. What started out as spray painted space paintings has grown into visually stunning layered works of art. Think space travel – meets street art – meets glitter!!
I’ve always known Sean to be a deep thinker, a philosopher of sorts, constantly pondering life’s biggest questions and mysteries. I was really blow away by one of his pieces featuring Jimmy Hendrix and I decided to chat a bit with him to find out a bit more about his creative process.
Have you always been the creative artsy type?
I’m basically an artist that is learning how to incorporate sacred geometry, spirituality, shamanism, quantum mechanics, and glitter (bling!) to attract viewers into asking why is it beautiful? What does it mean? And perhaps enlightening them to see how most are controlled by ego on a daily basis and that it’s been a plan for many, many centuries.
What influenced you to start the type of paintings that define your work now?
Then I took an environmental class where I learned about researching corporation degradation on the environment and even humanity. I started digging further back into history, found lots of suppressed history, connected the dots and saw a crazy pattern. For example, every ancient civilization from different continents and time eras all knew many valuable facts of nature and the cosmos. They knew all the planets, yet we just found Pluto in the 30’s. So where and when did the knowledge fall off from humans?
One of my favorite heroes Galileo Gallilee studied for years Capornicus’ idea which stated that we were not the center of the universe but that we evolve around the sun, contradicting the Church who said that the Earth was the center of everything and everything revolved around us. The Church threatened to kill Galileo if he perpetuated this notion to the masses because it would cause the Church to lose control of them.
It got me thinking, if truth was suppressed back then, what things are being suppressed in today’s world? Hint — 9/11, vaccinations, geoengineering, big pharmacy, secret societies, alien contact with several elitists. The list goes on. I think people are starting to question things in a way they never did. They are waking up. It’s a heavy subject and most don’t want to believe or even discuss it. The average human resists change and so to change their entire view of life and purpose is too heavy. Cognitive dissonance is the correct term.
So how does one keep moving forward with seeking truth but not get overwhelmed with fear, being ostracized by friends and family who don’t care or think you’re crazy? Plato said it best, “those that are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone, believed by the masses.” Boy is this true.
I stumbled upon an image that was found on every continent and every civilization 1000’s of years apart. This image was etched into granite with laser precision unexplainable by today’s scientists. This image is known as the “flower of life”. Ureka!!! This was the epiphany I needed. Classified as sacred geometry because this flower and otherworldly information was not created by man. However, it was a message to man but from who? God? Aliens? A Devine creator was giving the answers in this image. Everything we know in this 3D realm we live in is in the flower of life.
The flower of life/sacred geometry is actuality in the blue prints of everything we can see, feel, and touch. The flower of life contains Metatrons cube, which also precisely contains all the 5 platonic solids which make up everything in the material world. At this point I feel I’ve stumbled on a huge piece of suppressed truth that was once only shared with monks, masons, secret societies, but was intentionally leaked to the
Are you always working on something or do you go through creative spurts?
What are you currently working on?
Do you sell/display your work?
To contact Sean re what he currently has for sale or for commission pieces, he can be reached at Charlesseanjanuary@gmail.com
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