I’m so glad you’re here browsing my website!! Before you place your order I wanted you to know that my brand is going through a growing phase and I’m currently working on SO many new things. I’ve recently sold my brick and morter store in Playa Tamarindo where I had my studio for 17 years and am shifting direction, focusing on creating collections to be sold in many other stores. It’s so exciting!
Since I have a very small team working behind the scenes, I’ve not had time to focus on keeping my website up-to-date at this moment. But if you’d like to see some of my current items for sale, the best place to do that is on Instagram or Facebook where I post all of my latest creations. You can also email me and let me know you’re intersted in seeing my current collections and I can send you photos of some things that might interest you. Everything that is currently listed here on the website is available as well.
Thank you!